Sunday, July 14, 2013


Now I love my little furry friends, I even have a special squirrel that I feed nuts to almost everyday. But when they come between me and my homegrown tomatoes, it could get ugly.

Finally after a rainy, cooler than average spring and summer, I had a couple of tomatoes start to ripen. I pulled those two off and put them in the window to let them ripen in the safety of my house. During the day I would set them in the sun on the deck.

Well,  clumsy me knocked one off and it splattered on the deck. The other one started getting all soft and mushy on the bottom and the rest wasn't getting ripe, so I had to throw it out.

Then I noticed one on the vine starting to ripen so I decided to let it stay on the vine for as long as I dared hoping it would ripen faster.

Take a good look because 4 hours later it was gone!! I'd been keeping a close eye, watching for those dastardly squirrels to snatch it up. I left the house for about 4 hours yesterday and when I came back I went out to check and was gone, without a trace. I know a squirrel had to have taken it, but usually they take one bite and drop the rest but I didn't see any trace of it.

My mouth had been watering for my first tomato...grrrrr.

I still have lots on the vine.

Today I picked a couple more that looked to be starting to ripen and put them in my kitchen window, that way they will be safe from me and the squirrels!

I may have to pull one of the big green ones and make some fried green that sounds yummy.

As I've mentioned, my herbs are growing like wildfire. I made some more homemade butter with chives again last Friday.

This barrel of herbs is in addition to what I have in pots on my deck. I think I overplanted! Next year I'll have a better idea of what amount I should plant.

It's been a long week. I'd wanted to post earlier in the week but every evening when I would sit down and get online I could hardly keep my eyes open. I've been busy at work, trying to get my son to work and back while his car was in the shop for almost two weeks. I also went to a memorial service for one of my dearest friend's husband who died suddenly last month. I feel like I've been in perpetual motion all week. I was finally able to dial down a little today so I made a lemonade pie, cut grass, paid a couple of bills and was able to post. Haha, if that's what you call dialing down. It's ok, I like to keep busy and don't like just sitting around doing nothing all day.

Here's to a more relaxing week.......maybe.


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