Sunday, July 28, 2013

Randomness and Guilty Pleasures

I've had lots of things occupying my mind these last few days, some good, some curious and some frustrating.

Take this morning, I was paying my bills online and when I opened my cable/internet/phone bill it had gone up almost $20 from last month. It's just crazy. A new company took over a couple of months ago and we worried prices were going to increase and it looks like they have.

I would like to  get rid of my landline phone, but when I called the previous company about that, they informed me that if I did cancel it that it would make the price of cable and internet go up since the three services were in a price bundle. Turned out it was cheaper to keep the phone. Crazy right! I guess I will call the new company and see what the pricing will be if I cancel my landline and cancel my movie channel, HBO. But I have a feeling they will tell me the same thing. I may consider switching to a different company altogether.

As I was watching the evening news yesterday, they did a story on the long-lived people on a Greek island. I can't remember the name of it, but a lot of them easily lived to be in their 90's and even into their 100's. What's their secret, apparently it has a lot to do with their diet, the classic  Mediterranean diet, which is lots of fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts, lots of fish and a small amount of meat. Also wine seems to play a role in it also. (I've got the wine part down).  They also stressed the amount of exercise and calories burned by the natives of this island, up to a 1000 calories a day in "non exercise" activity. The stay fit by walking, gardening, cooking meals, dancing and chores around the house.There's no gym, bike lanes or buses....but there are lots of hills and people walk to visit their neighbors and go to the shops, they tend their gardens and knead their bread and apparently that all adds up. There's a lesson in there for all of us, me especially.

Today is a beautiful day, sunny with temperatures in the upper 70's which is almost unheard of at the end of July in the South. I'm trying to take advantage of it by not doing anything today. This is very hard for me to do. Anytime I try to just sit around all day and read or just enjoy the deck, I start getting antsy after a little while. I feel I should be up doing something, getting something accomplished, cleaning or cooking something.

I think the reason I want to be lazy today is that I spent all of yesterday shoveling out my son's room. Washing his windows, curtains and blinds. Wiping down the walls and moving and cleaning under the furniture, flipping the mattress. I was wore out. Instead of spring cleaning, I like to clean like this at the end of summer before I close up the house for the winter. I usually take one room every weekend and do a thorough cleaning and then I will shampoo the carpets, clean the oven and clean out the refrigerator. By the time Fall gets here I'll have the whole house done.

I really had planned on cooking a couple of special treats today, but I just couldn't make myself do it, but I feel guilty for not doing anything. Will this make me busier later in the week? Will I be able to sleep tonight after sitting around too much today? I'm not even cooking dinner tonight. My son is eating leftovers from yesterday and I am heating up some lasagna that I had baked and put in the freezer a while back. I'm such a sloth. Even Lola is being lazy today.

I've been battling my tomato eating squirrels again this weekend. I saw one out my kitchen window Friday afternoon sitting on the fence post eating a small, green tomato. I walked out on the deck to see if he had the nerve to go back for seconds and he did! I was able to throw something at him and he ran off. It seems now they are not even wating for them to start to ripen, they're taking them when they're still small and green. When I went down there to check the plants this is what I found......
and this.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I had two pictures to insert here but for some reason<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>they won't upload. The service with this new company<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>is sometimes iffy. Just picture half eaten tomatoes on<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the ground.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Also, this weekend, I pulled up what was left of my lettuce, it was going to seed. The lettuce was a big success and I will grow it again next spring, apparently squirrels aren't fond of lettuce. I pulled the bok choy up too, it just wasn't doing right. It did better than the first batch, but this batch just couldn't quite get there. I will be trying my had at brussel sprouts sometime next month as it's a fall crop.

I have to go now.....I'm going to clean out the deep fryer. I have to get SOMETHING done today.


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