Sunday, August 25, 2013

I'm Relaxed.....Really, I Am

I don't know why it's so hard for me to relax, I want to, but I have a hard time making myself. When I talk about relaxing, I mean just sitting around, not doing too much, reading, watching a movie, sitting on the deck. Now I can do all that stuff in the evening, it's during the day that I have a hard time. I ALWAYS feel like I should be doing something, being productive during the day. I've tried to sit and do nothing but all I can think of is everything I could be getting done, then I get tired of sitting.

This weekend I had planned to clean my bedroom but something else came up and it didn't get done, but I'm glad, I had fun going out to lunch with a dear friend who was in town for the weekend. (and I discovered a Irish pub where lots of men gather on a Saturday afternoon when there is a soccer game on. While I'm don't really care about soccer, I did hear a few Irish accents and I'm a sucker for an Irish accent). Today I kept feeling like I needed to do that cleaning, but I try to tell myself that the dirt will still be there next weekend.

Instead, I cooked, which believe it or not is relaxing for me. So I guess it was a productive day afterall.

This is what I'm looking forward to this upcoming week:

I'm planning on planting the cute little carrots and brussel sprouts this week. They are supposed to be planted a couple of months before the first frost which around here is towards the end of October.

This next weekend is the start of college football.....WoooHooo, I love me some college football.

I actually have a couple of tomatoes growing on my one plant and the squirrels haven't got to it yet. I'll be keeping an eye on them  this week. They're getting a pretty good size so here's hoping.......

It's going to be a really hot week, in the mid 90's all week and I'm going to enjoy the heat before Autumn gets here.

And there will be more cooking adventures, I need all the relaxation I can get.


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