Sunday, May 5, 2013


I know rain is good, it's nourishment for the earth, it cools us and makes our garden grow. But it seems like we've had more than our usual amount of rain this spring. I know I shouldn't complain because it will probably be very dry later in the summer and we'll be wishing for rain.

I do have some exciting news, my seeds are actually coming up!! I'm so excited, I've never grown anything from seeds before.

Can you see those little green spots down the center of the dirt? That's my heirloom lettuce seeds. I'm beside myself that they are actually growing. I just hope I can keep them alive and keep any pests off of them.

And these green dots along both sides of the container are the heirloom baby bok choy. I know I will have to thin out some of the lettuce and bok choy, but I'm waiting til they get a little bigger. I still  have seeds left in the packets so I'm hoping I can plant them again after I eat all these.

The herbs and tomato plants are growing and doing pretty good so far. I'm just worried about the lettuce and bok choy and the herbs with this whole weekend of rain. The rain has come down pretty steady at times and then just a drizzle at other times. But my seedlings are so small I'm afraid they will drown in their containers. So I came up with a brilliant idea to shelter them somewhat but still get some of the rain water.

I've got plastic on top of the tables because the tops aren't solid. The plants have still been getting wet but not beat down with the constant rain. The plants above are chives.

They say it's going to stop raining after tomorrow and be sunny and warmer later this week, I certainly hope so. It's common knowledge that I like the heat and this 59 degree weather today is depressing me, it's Spring after all!!

I will admit though that the weather has helped me save energy. Since the furnace doesn't come on because it's not cold enough, we haven't had to use the air conditioning either. I always try to get through the month of May before I turn it on, sometimes I make it and sometimes I don't.

Lola is watching over her kingdom just waiting to bark at somebody!!


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