Friday, June 7, 2013

I've Been Wondering......

You know I've been wondering what happened to my bok choy plants. I've been told by my friend Sue, a dietitian/part-time farmer, that they have gone to seed. Why have they gone to seed, possibly they have been stressed. Now I have to wonder what stressed them and the only thing I can come up with is the abnormally cool, rainy spring. So tomorrow I'm pulling them up and planting some more seeds and see what happens.

Dumb bok choy....

I've been wondering a lot about GMO foods lately. It is so difficult to avoid most of them. Corn for example. Apparently over 90% of the corn grown in the US is genetically modified and it seems corn is in a whole lot of stuff. And we're not only talking corn, there is a multitude of food products that are genetically modified and the real kicker is that they are not required to label them. A lot of people are calling for change and they/we want our GMO foods labeled so we know what we are eating. I try to avoid the ones that I know for certain, but the others.....I don't always know.

I've been wondering why the shift in the way I see myself and what I'd like to do. There was a time that I would have been happy to be plopped down in the middle of New York City and I would have been in heaven with all the action and people and hustle and bustle. But now I don't see myself wanting that kind of life at all. Oh, I would still like to see it, but as a way of life, not so much. I want to be closer to nature and to have a larger garden, maybe some chickens....who knows if that will happen but you never can tell.

I've been wondering why it took me this long to watch Downton Abbey and now I'm hooked and I have to try to catch up on all the seasons before the new season starts.

Have a good weekend everyone.


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