Sunday, February 10, 2013


I had hoped to post yesterday, but it turned out to be a busy, yet fun, day. By last night I couldn't even watch TV without nodding off, so I missed the end of every show I tried to watch, finally I gave up and went to bed.

The other day I was reading a copy of Whole Living magazine that had been given to me and I saw an interesting reader comment. Apparently the magazine had put out this question "How do you encourage others to be eco-friendly?" The following comment from Sheryl C. in Cedar Rapids, IA, was this month's winner...

"When I see family or friends purchasing items with a lot of wasteful packaging or throwing away things that can be recycled, I remind them that "away" is a place. When you throw something away, it doesn't just disappear; it usually ends up in a landfill. I carry my own shopping bags and keep a reusable cup in my car, always remembering that away is a very real, very ugly place that I don't want to contribute to."

I just love that explanation of  "away".  I think people just think it's gone, me included, and forget that it has to go somewhere. While I try not to "remind" people that there is a better way, I would rather lead by example and then if they ask me why I do something I will be more than happy to explain. After all, I'm not always perfect and I need to be reminded sometimes myself. I really like the idea of carrying a reusable cup with me. I am going to try that and see if it makes any difference in trying not to waste paper or styrofoam cups. I wonder if coffee shops would let you use your own cup?

Yesterday I was reminded of all the things that our "garbage" can be reused for. One of my good friends invited me to go with her to a festival, showcasing a revitalized area of downtown with stores, antique shops, art galleries, wine shops, candy shops, a "green" store and plenty of others. A few of the shops had jewelry and candles, some made locally some not, but all seemed to be handmade not like in the big box stores. One store had items made out of discarded concrete, candle holders, frames and other odds and ends, now that is repurposing!

In another shop there was wonderfully, repurposed cardboard. One item was a deer head, like you would mount on your wall but it was beautifully made of cardboard and it was collapsable for easy storage or moving. There were other very imaginative wall hangings made of cardboard. I wonder how people come up with these ideas?

There were shops with vintage furniture that had been saved and vintage clothing and others with handmade scarves and purses made from any number of repurposed or out of the ordinary material. Of course one of my favorite stores was the local, homemade candy store. Such a variety of chocolates and other confections, naturally I had to buy some. I bought my always favorite dark chocolate covered peanuts and some wonderful cashew brittle. It's been hard not to sit down and devour it all at one time, but I've been pacing myself.

We have several areas in our city that have unique shops and stores that sell local and/or handmade items. I  believe there are several other "green" stores also. There are independent record stores and bookstores which you don't see much of anymore. I've been to the bookstore and it is wonderful. There is at least one locally owned grocery store that I know of because I shop there quite often, maybe more. We are also a restaurant town, with tons of locally owned spots and quite a few of them use at least some local ingredients. 

A popular motto around here is shop local. I am going to make more of an effort to do that, especially for gift giving occasions. I urge you to explore your town and see what kind of local and unique shops you can find and patronize. It will do those stores some good and I think you will feel good about it also.


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