People who know me might find it hard to imagine, but growing up I was painfully shy. Content to stay in the background, not offer any opinions, not make eye contact, not easily making new friends. Well, all that's changed now and thankfully I grew out of being shy. As a matter of fact, there are times when I probably speak more than I should. It's a fine line between holding back and letting it all come out. Well tonight I'm letting it all hang out...maybe not all, but definitely some of it hang.
HOLIDAY DECORATIONS: Holiday decorations seem to run the gamut from nothing to lights on every conceivable surface and the front lawn covered. No offense to anyone, but I absolutely....strongly dislike, the inflatables. Today I saw my first Thanksgiving turkey, inflatable, on someone's lawn. I had an irresistable urge to get a BB gun and shoot it. In my opinion, Thanksgiving/Autumn decorations are pumpkins, gourds, wreaths in oranges, browns, yellows, NOT big inflatable turkeys in your yard.
Same thing with Christmas decorations. I once saw a yard, a small front yard, with inflatable Santas, reindeer, a snowman, a Grinch and the Grinch's dog all in the same yard, bunched together. Tacky, tacky, my opinion. Inflatable decorations seem to be all the rage the past couple of years, and while I don't care for any of them, if you have to have them, have one or two and call it a day. If you like them, then by all means go right ahead, I'll smile and nod, all the while scoping out my targets for my BB gun.
THANKFULNESS: For the month of November there is a trend on Facebook for some people to list, everyday, something that they are thankful for. People are very sincere and put a lot of thought into what they are thankful for and some of the things are very touching and emotional. I even participated in it several years back, when I first joined the "Facebook Nation".
Maybe because I am a Capricorn, maybe it's my Swiss/German ancestry (and probably a little British thrown in for good measure) I tend to me more reserved about public displays of affection, spilling my emotions. So, and I mean no offense to anyone, but I would love to post on the last day that I am thankful that I don't have to read what everyone is thankful for anymore. Does that sound mean, probably but I really don't mean it to be, but that is just how I feel.
Now I do have a facebook friend who is posting what she is thankful for and I actually love it. One day she is thankful for her seat warmers in her car, another day she is thankful for pierced earrings because no matter if she gains a few pounds or is bloated, they will always fit. She is also thankful for the PAC 10, which has 14 teams, which just goes to show that she is not the only one who is bad at math. Now THAT is the kind of thankfulness I can get behind. I tend to be drawn to the snarky and sarcastic, I love it.
JUSTIN BIEBER: Entertainer of the Year.....really.......really??? He's just a kid, a talented one yes, but a kid. What has he done to be Entertainer of the Year. There are numerous other musicians who have paid their dues, struggled, worked their way up and have tremendous talent. As a friend of my commented, it's all about the money, with all his "tween" followers, he has probably raked in the money, but is that the basis of being Entertainer of the Year? I hope not, but, in my opinion, he may better deserve that honor after he has a few more years under his belt. Please!!
Well, I'm done offending people for now but I just had to get it off my chest. Ahhhhh, now I feel better. Just remember people, do whatever you want, it's a free country. If it makes you feel good that's all that matters, but you might think twice before you ask me my opinion.
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