Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Crazily, Hopelessly, Head Over Heels In....

in love. My new love makes me feel cozy, makes me feel warm. I met my love at the JCPenny Outlet store a couple of months ago. Now, we've had a previous relationship, but I had felt smothered and constricted, but somehow this time was different. This time I felt strong and in charge, more confident.....or maybe it's because I'm turning into my mother!

You see, I am in love with "the turtleneck sweater". I've always had one or two in my winter wardrobe every year, but usually I've only liked a cowl-neck, nothing tight. If I wore one with a tighter neck, I was constantly pulling on it, it made me feel like I was choking. But all of a sudden this year I've had a change of heart. I'm likin' the tighter neck.

My Mom always says her neck gets cold in the winter and she wears a scarf around her neck a lot of times. She was always asking me if my neck was cold whenever I wore a just V-neck sweater or a collared blouse. Well, even though I am cold natured, having my neck exposed didn't seem to affect me that much, until this year. All of a sudden, if my neck is cold I am cold all over. And I've been kind of doing an informal survey of women at work and apparently "cold neck" syndrome seems to be quite common. Some wear turtlenecks while some just wear scarves around their necks, silky or knitted scarves that go with their outfits. All very stylish.

When I went shopping a few weeks ago, I bought turtlenecks, turtlenecks and more turtlenecks. Different colors, different styles, some heavy for when winter really hits and some lightweight, better for Fall weather.  A few had a more relaxed neck, while the others a more fitted neck. I probably have about a dozen right now, not that I'm obsessed or anything. Even now as I'm sitting here typing this, my neck is cold, even though I keep pulling up the collar of my robe around it. Do they make turtleneck pajamas?

Oh, did I mention that I also bought a couple of scarves, apparently I'm easily influenced. I'm not obsessed with the scarves......yet. I just want a few, you know, maybe as a change of pace from the turtleneck every now and then. I want options.


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