Sunday, September 22, 2013

Renewed And Refreshed

 I haven't been on here for a couple of weeks, I've been too busy "manufacturing snot". I'm sure that is way more information than you want to know, but that's the way it is. It has had me tired and "draggy" and I've hardly been online at all. My allergies have been going crazy, but I guess that shouldn't be any surprise since I live in the 4th worse place for allergies. Now, I've always suffered from allergies and Autumn is always the part of the year that I have the most problems, but this year has been extraordinarily bad. I just can't seem to get over the hurdle.

Despite all the coughing, spitting, blowing and hacking, I was able to finish up my Fall cleaning last weekend so now I am able to get back to my favorite thing which is cooking something special and/or different on the weekend. YAY!!! I've missed it.

So, today, on this beautiful, cloudless, 73 degree day, this first day of Autumn I made peanut butter cookies. And I must say, this cookie recipe is one of the easiest that I make. I got this recipe from a Weight Watcher book surprisingly. It only calls for 4 ingredients, all you do is mix them together and bake them. Nothing could be easier or quicker.

Here are the list of volunteers.....1 cup of crunchy peanut butter (actually it calls for just plain peanut butter, but I like the texture of the crunchy), 1 tsp. of vanilla, 1 egg and 1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar. Bake at 325.

Now here is where the recipe and I differ. It says to bake for 10 minutes and that you should get 3  dozen cookies. But that's not how I roll! Keep in mind that this is a Weight Watcher recipe, and if you were to get 3 dozen cookies from this recipe, they would probably be just a little bigger than a quarter. Of course, if you are on a restricted diet I can understand but I like my cookies just a little bigger than that.

So the baking time is more that 10 minutes, probably more like 15 or 20, you just have to keep checking for doneness. I got 13 cookies out of this recipe which will last me a week or so. I just like a couple of cookies after lunch.

I know there are only a dozen here, Lola and I had to test one and I gave two away to a friend. They are really very good and a little soft and chewy, just the way I like them.  I hope you will try this recipe, it will be worth it.

On the gardening front, I believe I'm seeing some teeny, tiny sprouts coming up. Or it could just be weeds, but I guess I will know soon enough. Hopefully, I will have some little round carrots and brussel sprouts soon enough.

See ya soon......


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