I know I've discussed my love affair with salt in the past. We were good together, salt was always there when I needed it, never jealous, never demanding. Oh...and the taste....heavenly.
But it's time that we quit spending so much time together, see each other less often. I have met some new spices. As the old saying goes.."it's not you, it's me". It's a sad, sad day. We'll still be friends, spend a moment or two together every day but not hang out all day every day.
About a year and a half ago, my blood pressure was elevated, not dangerously so, but above normal. At the time I tried to change some of my eating habits and I did good for a while, but got lazy and didn't keep at it and eventually just took the easy route and started on the medicine. I haven't liked the side effects, constant cough, sore joints, dry eyes. Then there were the times that my blood pressure would drop really low and I would have to either skip a couple of doses or cut the pill in half to get it back up. But being on the medication allowed me to eat all the salt I wanted, so even as much as I wanted to get off of it, it was hard to give up the salt.
But then something happened the other day that has me rethinking everything. I have episodes of a rapid heartbeat for which I take medication for and have for quite a few years. The rapid heartbeat can come on at anytime and last from 15minutes to 3 or 4 hours. It stops as suddenly as it starts, but the medication keeps it under control and I can go months and months without it acting up, sometimes as long as a year.
Lately, I've had several episodes in the last couple of months. Last Sunday it happened and was still going on the next morning. I went to work but couldn't stay. I was very light headed and wobbly. Turns out my blood pressure had dropped to 100/60. I went to the doctor and of course, by the time I got there my heart rhythm was back to normal, isn't that always what happens! But my blood pressure had dropped even further to 95/60. Had EKG done and it was normal, had to some blood work done and the office called today to say it was normal.
The doctor told me to stop my blood pressure medicine for a week then return to the office next week to see where we are. I've also read that another side effect of the b/p medication can be an irregular heartbeat, although not always. Of course, I realize that it could be a coincidence, but you never know.
Anyway.....I'm taking this opportunity to re-evaluate my relationship with salt. I'm determined not to go back on that blood pressure medicine. I'm really going to work on changing my habits, watching the sodium in the foods that I buy and eat. But you know, this really plays into my liking to fix foods from scratch. When you cook from scratch, you know what is in your food, how much salt is in it. For instance, I might make bread and the recipe calls for a teaspoon of salt. Considering that is for the whole loaf of bread that is not much at all. But commercial bread has a lot more salt in it than that for each slice. Processed foods are the worse so it is preferable to make it at home from scratch. I'll still be eating good food, but I'll have more control over how much salt is in it. Read the labels, it's amazing what has salt in it and how much.
I don't know for sure that the blood pressure medicine had anything to do with my heart rhythm episode on Sunday, maybe it did. Or maybe my heart medication just needs to be readjusted. But I still am going to take control of this aspect of my health.
It won't be easy, especially with the holidays coming up and all the good food. Will I be perfect all the time, probably not. Will I probably splurge on occasion and eat something really salty, without a doubt, but change takes time and I'm committed to this change. I'll keep you up to date on how it goes, the successes and failures. Wish me luck.
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