I've been meaning to post on here for days and days, but I've been so busy getting the house and myself ready for Autumn. I know, I know it is already Autumn and has been for several weeks, but around here it has been between 75 and 80 degrees for the past couple of weeks Not exactly Autumn weather. Of course when you consider that during the summer it was between 90 and 100 degrees, then it is fall-like.
Despite my well-known love of Summer and the hot, hot weather that comes with that, I do really enjoy Autumn. And there is always what I think of as a "magical" two and sometimes three weeks in October when the afternoon temperature is 75ish and the nights are in the 50's, warm days and cool nights. During this short period I have no need of air conditioning or heaters. My gas and electric bill really loves it too!! I can have the house opened up all day and since my kitchen windows sit up high, I'm able to leave windows open all night, makes for wonderful sleeping weather.
But there is a cold front coming later this week, so I've been busy "putting summer away". Last week I was washing blankets and getting out my flannel sheets. I loooove my flannel sheets. I got out my sweaters, jackets and hoodies and made sure they were clean and ready to go, changed out Lola's sheets on her bed and put on warmer blankets.
This past weekend I kicked it up into high gear by cleaning my ceiling fan and all the regular fans and covering them to store in the basement and I covered the air conditioning unit outside because there are a lot trees around my house and all the little seed "thingys" are falling and the leaves are starting to come down at a faster pace. I also gave Lola her last bath outside.
I then went outside and cut down all my hostas and my rose bush. I won't be raking leaves for a while yet, probably another month. I like to wait til they all fall and then rake them up at one time and I usually end up with about 25 to 30 leaf bags full.
I then moved back inside and took my summer clothes downstairs and brought my winter clothes upstairs. It's not like I have bunches of clothes but I live in an old house and these old house typically come with only one closet. But mine actually has two, small closets, one for me and one for my son. So I have an area in the basement that I can keep clothes that I'm not currently using. I must have made at least 25 trips up and down the basement steps this weekend between doing regular laundry, switching out clothes, taking the fans down that by the end of the weekend, my rear end was sore. Using those butt muscles which was probably a good thing.
So every evening for the past week, I've been exhausted once I sit down in the evening and could barely stay awake some to even fire off a quick post. This past Sunday I really wanted to make some homemade soup and post about that but I never got around to it. But I'm looking forward to next Sunday and cooking something good.
Autumn is nice.... crunchy leaves, Halloween and Thanksgiving Day, cool nights, sweaters and boots, soups, stews and baking pies, football and tailgating, hot chocolate. But then it all leads to winter.......ugh.
Be back soon.
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