Friday, May 24, 2013

Say Cheese..

I wanted to show ya'll  how well my "crops" are doing. I'm really feeling good about them and the rain we've had the last couple of days has given them a growth spurt. I've always noticed that it seems  rain makes things grow faster than just watering them from the hose. My Mom always told me that the rainwater always makes a difference with the plants.

Lettuce mix

Baby bok choy

Tomato plants....they are really getting big and getting little blossoms on them, Yippee! Tomorrow I need to stake them before they start leaning.

After a cloudy start this morning, the sky this afternoon was incredibly blue and clear. (That's my new umbrella for the deck)

I love this rosebush, I wish it was mine. It's in a yard that Lola and I pass as we walk through an alley during one of our afternoon walks. I really noticed it last year because as soon as we turn into the alley you smell this incredible aroma. I stop everytime and just smell these roses, I don't know if I've ever smelled anything like it before.

Now again this year they smell just as incredible. Because of these roses now everytime I pass a rosebush I stop to smell them and none of them smell like these. Most of them have no smell at all.

My mom's house has been in our family for several generations, I grew up there, my mom grew up there and my grandma grew up there. There was a climbing rosebush in her yard that had been there for several generations. I wish I could remember how those roses smelled, I wonder if they smelled as good as these. The roses above cover quite a bit of the fence in that yard so I wonder if they have been there for a very long time.

I just wonder if these roses smell so good because the plant is from a long time ago and hasn't been genetically "tinkered' with? I don't know if that's the answer but it gives me food for thought. I've thought about sneaking and cutting off a little piece and trying to get it to root in my yard....shhhhhh.

Lola, looking for somebody to bark at.



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