Monday, January 14, 2013

Paper Towels..My Kingdom For Paper Towels

Yes, I admit it, I'm addicted to paper towels. I use them willy nilly for everything from wiping up the kitchen counter, cleaning mud off the dog's feet to using them instead of a plate to eat a sandwich at lunch. They are just so handy to grab off the counter for a quick cleanup. Even though I use dish towels and a dishrag in the kitchen, I still go through two large rolls of paper towels every week. Shocking I know, but I obviously have to change that habit in order to live more sustainably. This is going to be a hard one to change.

At least I've become much more aware of my wastefulness so that now everytime I reach for one, I pause to think if there is an alternative that I can use. I have to admit that it doesn't always stop me, but I have changed some of my habits. It's a slooooooow process, in my case anyway. 

I've always used paper towels when I peel and cut up potatoes and other fruits and vegetables, but I've been using my cutting board for that now, although I still start to reach for a towel.  I found some old dish towels that I'm going to use to clean the dog's muddy feet. When I do use a paper towel to wipe up a spill, instead of throwing it away, I'm trying to remember to rinse it out and use it again. I've even been known to clean house, wipe off the furniture, clean the floors with paper towels. That definitely needs to change, bucket and I come.

One thing that I can't quite get a handle on is cleaning up a greasy skillet or pan. I always wipe them out with a paper towel then wash. I thought about wiping them out with a rag, but then it seems like I would waste a lot of water cleaning the grease out of the rag afterwards and then I would worry about grease going down the drain. Any ideas?  Anyone?

Reducing waste, buying things with less packaging, and just using less is a big part of a sustainable lifestyle. The steps I've been taking are small. They say that when people want to lose weight, the best thing to do is start with small changes that are easy to stick to and once that change becomes a habit, go on to the next until it is a lifestyle, not a diet. I feel the same way about what I am doing. If I tried to change everything at once I would never be able to do it.

Will I ever be able to give up my paper towels, I don't know. Right now I'm just striving to cut way down, maybe instead of using two large rolls each week, I will only use two rolls a month. Then after that, who knows.


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