Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Fabulosity....I stole that word from a reality show that was on a few year back.  I know....reality shows...I can't help myself, I may need therapy. Anyway, I love the word fabulous.  I think I really became aware of that word from watching Sex In The City, I loved that show and they said it a lot. I miss that show.

I like to say fabulous.... wish people a fabulous birthday, that's fabulous, you're fabulous, he's fabulous, have a fabulous day!!!  It's a lot better than good, a little higher than fantastic, but not quite as high as exceptional.
But what makes a fabulous day, fabulous, or a fabulous person, fabulous. Is it because it's a special day, a meaningful event, a wonderful person? Maybe all of these or maybe none, depends on how you look at it.

For me, "fabulosity" (the act of being fabulous... I just made that up) is more of something on the inside of a person. Sometimes I feel fabulous but it usually doesn't have anything to do with an external event like a birthday or a new outfit or hairstyle.. A lot of the time I feel fabulous when I am doing the unexpected, marching to the beat of a different drummer, daring to be different (that is a lot of cliche's in one sentence).When I was in grade school I practiced for a long time to write left handed because I thought it would be so cool to be different than so many other people and that was in the days when the nuns would smack your hand if you were left handed, but I could never get the hang of it. Dang it.

I think my passion for animals makes me fabulous. My interest in organics and the local food movement, in environmental issues makes me feel fabulous. I am developing an interest in nature photography and I feel fabulous learning about that.

So to me, fabulous is an inner feeling, not so much an outward appearance or material things. I like to be a little out of the norm, a bit different. Who wants to be ordinary, I want to be fabulous!!

Although, if I had Carrie's (Sex In The City) shoes I would find that fabulous too!!


This is a simple recipe. It is one of my favorite, refreshing drinks.
1/4cup of Pomegranite Juice
2tsps of fresh lime juice
12oz of sparkling water

Mix together and stir.  You'll love it.


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